HOW TO ACCESS registered Medical Doctors

We like to keep things as simple as possible. So everything you need to know is here.

Let's start by telling you how to use Imhotep Speedportal(ISP):

  1. First, Have your *ISP - ID and ISP - PW ready
  2. Go to Log-in page and enter your personal ISP - ID and ISP - PW in the boxes you see on the screen
  3. If you have entered correctly then you will be able to view the list of Medical Doctors registered to Imhotep*
  4. You will be able to access all the Doctors Lists described in the Imhotep Speedportal subscription package
  5. Once you have successfully logged-in, you can start viewing Imhotep's Medical Doctors

* If you cannot log-in, just send us an email and we shall look in to it for you. Before that, just re-check your account details to confirm your ISP account details and try logging-in again.

What you'll see

  1. Speciality specific Medical Doctor lists*
  2. The lists provide an overall summary of the main points of a registered Medical Doctor** in the boxes you see on the screen
  3. Each Medical Doctor is identified by a unique identifier combined part letters and part number***
  4. Wherever you see a subject category with a code, click on the down arrows for a description of the coding system****

* Lists are according to clinical speciality

** Main points represent an overall quantitative summary of an individual Medical Doctor

*** For example, on the Diabetes list, the identifier is: DIA: followed by a number: 2222. So, the identifier is: DIA:2222

It's pretty simple really, we just take the first 3 letters of the clinical specification and use it as an part of the list identifier, followed by a number.

Neurology identifier starts with NEU, and Oncology identifier starts with ONC, etc.,

**** This will provide an explanation and description about a particular subject category

3 simple steps to select a Medical Doctor and notify Imhotep of your selection

...check, click, paste, enter, click...

  1. Type your selections to the Identifiers box
  2. After first re-checking your selections are correct, Enter your ISP - ID, Password, Email in the sections provided
  3. If everything looks good, click the OK tab to notify Imhotep of your selections.

Thank you for using Imhotep

Contacting an Imhotep Medical Doctor

  1. Once we have received your email, we shall notify you of the schedule for your first contact with your selected Medical Doctors

* Where a Medical Doctor states first contact via video-chat, telephone or email, we shall initially provide only those details.

** This is to protect as much as possible the privacy rights and confidential information of all Medical Doctors registered to Imhotep

Follow-up with Imhotep

For all user experience enquires, quality of services, change of service, upgrading user packages and cancellations,please contact us at: @imhotep