Welcome to 'what we offer'
Unique and exclusive
It is as it's described; Imhotep's services are exclusively for Japanese Medical Doctors in Japan and overseas.
Dedicated to a single purpose
Why we made this service exclusive to Japanese Medical Doctors is because we wanted to focus all our attention and efforts on a single cause that is under served and unmet.
We realized that by doing so we would be doing something to enable and influence the development and growth of healthcare by continually supporting Medical Doctors and their working and social environments.
Being part of growth generation
By doing this we can do precisely what is necessary to achieve the impact necessary to support the continual growth and development in the healthcare related sector.
Being part of the enabling and influencing trends and dynamics happening globally, Imhotep is ideally positioned to collaborate, enable and impact.
Our priorities are serviced oriented and target new career and business opportunities for individuals, departments and organizations.
Bringing real benefits to individuals and end-users in these environs.
Simple by design and simple by experience
Our service is designed to be simple to use because it was designed to be that way.
To focus exclusively on that which is most essential to everything that we do! - Medical Doctors.
And, so we designed Speedportal.
The face of our services
This is where you can see everything that makes Imhotep simple.
Simple, by choice, and design and user experience.
It offers the user a simple tool to use to "React quicker, access Sooner and succeed Faster" in connecting with Medical Doctors
By eliminating everything that is unnecessary and providing only everything that you actually do need, we have come up with a solution that eliminates, process, slashes user working time as well as providing instant search outcomes.
Speedportal shows exactly what you want to see and need to be able to see to make quicker decisions and equally
quick decisive outcomes.
R, S, F making it work to your advantage…
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