Welcome to your future

Enabling opportunities and Influencing better outcomes

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Updated 2025.2.2

Medical Doctors currently registered: 11

Imhotep - meaning

Imhotep - meaning

was the first (recorded) physician in Egypt (c. 2667 - 2600 BCE)
(Greek name, Imouthes) means “ He Who Comes in Peace”

Imhotep - meaning

Imhotep - meaning

was made demi-god of healing - Asclepius - by Greeks

Imhotep - The idea behind our business

Imhotep was designed to keep things very simple.
We want Japanese Medical Doctors in Japan and around the world to connect with business around the world.

The simpler it is to connect with experts, the more business opportunities are realized.
When companies and Medical Doctors use Imhotep, it means less work, less time and less costs there are for everyone involved.

And that is what we do. We bring Japanese Doctors closer to the business world and bring companies closer to Japanese Doctors.

Imhotep - keeping it simple every time

The easy way to connect Medical Doctors with the business world

Enabling engagement through Imhotep's Enabling and Influencing service

Influencing outcomes for Medical Doctors and business

Business and Medical Doctors connect anytime, anywhere

Exclusively Medical Doctors is where Imhotep is special


The key to innovation is to reinvent the space in which we work, rather than filling that space with more of the same.

Currently we have spent:









In support of Medical Doctors and their careers

Total qualified MDs in Japan 2020:


With career development and clinical training educational development